If King Charles III wants a coach…
Photo by Ferdinand Stöhr on Unsplash
By Carla March
…what will he be looking for? How many people considering working with a coach believe they need someone who’s “been there” themselves or, worked in a similar role in a similar industry? On that basis, and left to choose from hundreds of profiles, our monarch will be searching for a crown-wearing coach. Or at least, one clutching an orb and sceptre. Not many like that on the market.
Clearly, this is just a bit of fun but I am making a serious point. There is SO much more to finding the right coach for where you are in your life and career, right now, than swiping through screen after screen of coach profiles, looking for someone you think might be ‘the one’.
Coaches are often appointed on a recommendation from a trusted colleague or friend - which is a great start - but we’re all wired differently and what works for someone else may not work as well for you. It’s essential to find someone you feel you can partner with, who ‘gets’ you, who makes you feel comfortable - but not too comfortable - and will offer you challenge, support, learning and occasionally, advice, at just the right time.
“There is so much more to finding the right coach for where you are in your life and career, right now, than swiping through screen after screen of coach profiles, looking for someone you think might be ‘the one’. ”
A shared sense of humour helps, as does pace, introversion/extroversion, energy, pragmatism, reflection, a willingness to share experiences and the courage sometimes, just to say it like it is. And yes, they may have experience in your industry or your line of work - consider that an added bonus. Most importantly, you need to know that they are a fantastic, inspiring coach, skilled and accredited in their profession and who will make a positive difference to your life!
Rather than filling in forms, or scrolling through endless profiles, let’s just talk. We’ll recommend two, at most three coaches for you to meet online and from there, the choice is yours.